Monday, October 11, 2004

A long remembered artist, Chamkur

I remember a long long time ago when I was a little girl of 4 , I used to live in Madras, with my parents and brother, on Apparaswamy koil street and I would often play in my neighbours house. It was the famous artist Chamkur's house and his daughter, Ravi, ( i think i am right) and others would pick me from my house and take me to watch their father paint. I remember him sitting nonchalently on his easy chair, brooding and yet would give a faint smile as he saw me. I remember his white dhoti and kurta and above all his beautiful painting of Mahatma Gandhi sitting and leaning on a soft cushion. I remember the tall building they lived in and his studio was on the top floor. Now after forty years I am reminded of these days in the artist's house. Chamkur is an artist from AndhraPradesh. I do not know where he or his fly are now but I have pictures and a strong memory of those pleasant days.


Blogger Ravi said...

Veena, Thanks on rekindling my nostalgic moments with the Chamkur family. It is more than 4 decades now and still fresh in my memory, the Mahatma Gandhi painting, Mr. Chamkur, good old days of Apparswamy Koil street, Ramakrishna Tailors, Anjaneya Temple, Sanskrit College, our neighbours, Thangam, Vishu, Chalalpathi, Seshu, Bhavani.......oh the list is endless. How I wish I got into a time machine and go back to those days...more particularly my dear uncle Sundra and visits to the Santhome Beach. Good Old Days

7:09 AM  
Blogger veena said...

The Mahatma Gandhi picture also had Jawaharlal Nehru sitting next to him. Both are leaning on a cushion facing each other. The painting, an oil, establishes the strong bond they had for each other, a moment of closeness they shared, very realistically portrayed.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a neighbour of Chamkur in Apparswamy Koil Street, Madras (no Chennai) Chamkur was a great artist with dedication. He was very silent and always kept to himsrlf with a brush in hand.


10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


my name is shahrzad and i am doing my masret at arthistory.i tried blog but i couln,t inter any way i choosed this way to share my idea.
i like that real story ,it was simple but full of meaning.

also when i was 5 years my mother cosinbrother was famouse painter so maybe i saw his works and i become kind of art student.
any way it was wonderfull.

3:13 AM  

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