Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Poem

The Occult
This is one of the first few poems I've written. Tried my hand it!Tell me what you think about itIt's a sonnet (that is a poem consisting of 14 lines)

I was forsaken in the midst of strife,
The tempest humbling me,
the languish bleeding into me.
Solitude and melancholy blanketed me.
As I felt tainted and wretched
I witnessed an aura
Its dazzle outshining the daystar
bringing concord to my innate senses.
Making me see the splendour of the vale
and the brook gladdened heath.
My horizon was broadened,
My jubilince regained
What was the occult I percieved
that metamorphose me?

This is the interpretation I had in mind when I penned this poem. Itcan always be looked in different shades of light!I was in deep trouble, the storms were overpowering me, I felt painand sadness. I was alone forever. I was overcome grief and a sense ofnot wanting to live.Then I witnessed someting, that changed my entire perspective.Describes as a positive light. I realised the beauty of nature. I wasmotivated to think optimistically as I felt happy and optimistic.The last two lines ask a question. A question that is left for you to answerWhat was the one incident that changed a lot for the better in yourlife! A philosophical awakening...Have you seen your occult yet? Introspect and you will find it, can always start off now!

By Niveditha Sunderraj

Art Attack

Art attack!

Everyone's talking about art. What is art? Ever wondered?Art is not just about drawings or paintings or a dance form.Art according to me is a perspective, a very beautiful perspective.Art is what a peaceful mind cherishes.If you open your eyes and open your mind, you will notice how artisticour world is.Everything around us is so beautiful, the chirp of the birds, theshape of the clouds, the wind in your face, the dew drops on theleaves. The trees so green, the flowers so bright, the honey so sweet.Nature is a master artist and everything has been so impeccablyexecuted that it is impossible to find flaw or dislike it. Humans areinspired by nature to create, not the other way around. We tend toforget this fact more often than not. It is a positive force thatsurrounds us. You cannot go seeking art, it's just right there. Open your eyes andyou will find it. It's always there to overwhelm you with a feeling ofpleasure and peace. Art is that sense of optimism which can changeyour life and change it for the better.

by Nivedita Sunderraj
